Monday, June 4, 2007

Junior Primary: Parts of a Computer

Today in Junior Primary we did a review lesson about the names of different computer parts. When we started the year the kids knew only one word - "Computer!". This was a great start. Since then we've started to learn the names of all the different computer parts (Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, Microphone). This is really important for the students because it will help them to better understand teaching instructions (For example "Use the keyboard" or "Look at your monitor.") and this will empower them be more confident computer users as they move through the year levels at school.

We started our lesson by using our IWB to uncover and read out the names of different parts of the computer. Here we can see the students working with their AEW (Anangu Education Worker).

After we were familiar with the words we practiced dragging and matching words with their pictures. After this we performed a whole class look - cover - repeat cycle. This gave us a chance to practice remembering the names of the different computer parts.

After we had finished our whole class exploration of the names of the parts of a computer we then completed some worksheets by cutting and pasting the different computer labels and matching them to the picture.